Case Study: Zip + Health Tech

“Before I had to send a survey to everyone to see if they had a passcode on their phone ... now with Zip, I can just log in and see for myself."

Product Manager
Small Health Tech Company

Recently, Zip was approached by a small health tech startup to help secure their corporate devices. The health tech startup was seeking a solution that would be cost-effective and easy to deploy and manage. Because the health tech company deals with sensitive patient data, it was critical that they find a solution that allowed them visibility in real-time as to how employees were accesssing corporate resources, and on what kind of devices. Employees were often using their own devices (called "bring your own device", or BYOD), and full management of mobile devices was not an option -- employees are rightfully wary of giving their employer complete control over their devices. Within one 30 minute onboarding call, Zip was able to give them full visibility into their environment without full device management, and provide them with a solution that would allow them to secure their data. Below is a sample screenshot of the Zip devices dashboard, which gives quick and easy insight in to what devices employees use, and whether they are secure.

The Zip home page provides an overview into your employees, devices, and overall compliance metrics.

Proactive security for your corporate devices, even in a BYOD world

Zip has found that much like this health tech company, most companies leverage a reactive, trust-based approach to security instead of a proactive one. Before Zip, this health tech startup would send out surveys to employees -- trusting them to answer honestly -- to see if they had a passcode on their phone. Now, with Zip, they can just log in and see for themselves, and send automatic email follow ups to employees who aren't compliant. With more companies leveraging BYOD and full management becoming less of an option, Zip is the perfect solution for companies who want to secure their corporate devices without full management.

Zip's ready-to-send email templates manage all of the security communications needed.

Security you don't have to think about

When you sign up for Zip, we'll handle the annoying parts for you. Zip comes pre-packaged with templates and instructions for employees who aren't compliant, so you don't have to think about it. Not sure how they turn on 2fa on their Android phone? No problem, we'll hook you up with a template and a link to a video that shows them how.

In this example, Zip leveraged the health tech startup's existing GSuite account to provide them with a solution that was easy to deploy and manage. Zip was able to provide them with a solution that was cost-effective and easy to deploy and manage. Zip also integrates with Jamf and CrowdStrike, and has more integrations in the works to provide you a holistic picture of your corporate devices